/* Grp_Adjust.rexx V1.3 -- Allows you to adjust the start point of a set of linked audio clips. You can move the whole set & maintain their delays & fade points. */
To use: find a set of AUDIO clips in your project that are together in a row, highlight one of them (usually the first) and run this ARexx routine. You can adjust the highlighted clip's start time and every AUDIO clip that follows in the set will change also, to maintain the same delay.
Notes: This routine starts at the highlighted clip and stops at the first NON AUDIO clip. (e.g. effect, stop, still, video etc.)
It is presumed that you wish to maintain everything else about the set of clips, so this routine ONLY changes 'start times' it does not alter the 'lock to' mode of any clip.
call remlib('PROJECT_REXX_PORT')
call addlib('PROJECT_REXX_PORT',0)
/* --- begin --- */
call croutonpick(LAST)
/* --- Read current audio clip --- */
call croutonpick(current_spot)
/* --- wait for any screen update delay --- */
call time('R')
do while (time('E')<0.5)
/* --- test for audio clip --- */
call req_open("Grp-Adjust - by Aussie","----------------"," Allows you to adjust the start time of a set of AUDIO clips. "," (Starts at selected clip & stops at first non-audio clip) ")
if croutontype()~=" AUD" then do
call req_tell("Nope. The selected clip..."," must be an AUDIO ONLY crouton!")